Portfolios by Emerald Portfolio
Our Emerald Portfolio service was founded by a team of experienced financial advisers who wanted to give clients simple, low cost portfolio options. Our aim is to provide retail clients with geographical and asset-class diversification that would usually be in the realm of institutional investors.
To achieve this, we focus on the use of exchange-traded funds (ETF’s), which allow us to provide low-cost portfolios to almost any proactive investor. Performance is of course our main directive, but what makes us stand out from competitors is our level of support, transparency, and mutual appreciation with our clients.
We ensure all portfolio changes are run by, discussed with, and approved by you the investor.
Investment in our Emerald Portfolios are held on your own individual Holder Identification Number (HIN) so you retain full legal and beneficial ownership. There is no custody risk since all cash and investments are always held in your name.